In case you didn’t get enough trailer training last week, we have another one scheduled for this week. The second of our April training sessions will be held at Wranglerette Arena, Atascadero
What: North County Trailer Rodeo
When: April 11, 2020
Time: 8:45 – 12:00 PM
Where: Wranglerette Arena
7785 Aragon
Required: for most Trailer Teams (and anyone wishing to join a team)
Bring your horse trailer (or any trailer you need some practice with). We will have the CHP there to give us in site into new laws and to inspect our trailers if you want them to. Afterwards, we will have a course for you to complete to get some practice in maneuvering your trailer in some difficult situations, without the hazards of others being in your way to get things accomplished. We will have experts on the ground to help you figure things out if you need them.