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September 6, 2025 HAM Radio Procedures for everyone

September 6 @ 8:45 am - 12:00 pm

September 6th HAM Radio Procedures (800 Quintana Road, Number 2F, Morro Bay): We welcome Mike Lindsay, a HEET member, for this training to briefly go over the principal of the HAM radios. We will go over how to use the radio, how to talk on the radio, message clarity and conciseness, obtaining confirmation of message, what to do if you can’t be heard are just a few of the topics we will going over. After our discussion, teams will be given different assignments to check positions and different repeaters in the area with our Morro Bay dispatch. Again, we are practicing procedures in establishing communication while in an emergency. Please bring Your HAM Radios and batteries if you have them. Please note that you do NOT have to have a HAM license to attend this training.


Date: September 6
Time: 8:45 am - 12:00 pm


Venue Name: McElhinney & McElhinney
Address: 800 Quintana Road, Number 2F
Morro Bay, CA United States