Equine First Aid & Trailer Cut-up **CANCELLED**
Cancelled due to Covid 19. Stay safe and keep watching for updates. This event is mandatory for Shelter and Trailer Teams Location to be deteremined
Cancelled due to Covid 19. Stay safe and keep watching for updates. This event is mandatory for Shelter and Trailer Teams Location to be deteremined
Mandatory for Shelter and Trailer Teams This months training as been changed to Virtual Adult, Child & Baby 1st Aid/DPR/AED Certification. This training is available anytime you have time to complete it, preferably this month. Traditionally, members pay for this training on their own. Please note it is a requirement for shelter and trailer teams....
Learn how to interact with the Media and Horse Owners with animals in distress. This will be an online virtual training. Instructions for attending this virtual meeting will be posted closer to the meeting date. Please be sure to check back for more information.
This training has been cancelled for September, possibly rescheduled for October 3rd. We will keep you posted. Please note, this is an evening training. Practice with the Anderson Sling This training is dependent on what is happening with Covid-19.
Mandatory for Shelter and Trailer Teams Location to be determined